segunda-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2009

Ana Luisa

Hi, my name is Ana Luisa, i´m fourteen years old and I live Lisbon, to be precise in Alverca. I have got brown eyes and dark blonde hair. I'm not very tall.
I'm loyal, nice, hard-working and friendly. I'm also stubborn and a lit lasy. I'm very unpredictable and sometimes I'm really funny: I tell jokes and I make people laugh.What I love to do is dancing, writing, listening to music, riding a bike, learning, reading good bocks, going to the beach (Summer or Winter) and being with my friends.My favourite song is "Behind Blue Eyes" (Limp Biskit)..
The best book I have read are "Diary of Anne Frank" and "Joana's moon".
My dream is being a professional dancer.